Marriage is a sacrament that has the mission and the power to make Jesus present to one another, to their children, to anyone whom they touch as a couple and as a family. This sacrament, seen as a sign of the love uniting Christ and the Church, establishes between the spouses a permanent and exclusive bond, sealed by God. Accordingly, a marriage between baptized persons, validly entered into and consummated, cannot be dissolved. The sacrament imparts the grace needed for attaining holiness in married life and for responsible acceptance and upbringing of children.
To prepare for the sacrament of marriage at Holy Spirit, you are expected to:
Schedule an appointment with Fr. David Medow a minimum of six months prior to your selected date. No wedding date can be set prior to meeting with him.
Each couple meets with Kristen Donovan, Coordinator of Music & Liturgy, to plan their wedding ceremony.
Meet several times with a mentor couple. Mentor couples help with the preparation of marriage, interacting one-on-one with the engaged couples to foster good and healthy marriages.
Attend a Pre-Cana or Engaged Encounter Weekend as a couple. Check the Diocese of Winona-Rochester website for dates.
The Wedding Liturgy brochure will help you in planning your liturgy.
Diocese of Winona-Rochester Marriage Preparation Information
*Reminder: Photography is not allowed at Assisi Heights because it is private property and the home of the Sisters.